Unreal Profiler
Unreal Profiler is used to monitor the performance data which can be used to analyze possible sources of slowdowns or hitches in your game.
1. Android Environment
Set the Android SDK, NDK and JRE, please refer to Fig1.1:
Fig1.1 SDK Config 2. Enable Profiler
- Run the game with the parameter -\messaging (for example: UE4Editor-Win64-Debug.exe -messaging).
- Run the UFE with the parameter -\messaging (for example: UnrealFrontend-Win64-Debug.exe -messaging).
- Select Session Frontend from the Developer Tools section of the Window menu bar, then select the Profiler tab.
Fig2.1 Seesion Forntend 3. Connect to QIYU Device
After connected QIYU Device to PC by USB data cable, Open the Device Manager to select iQIYI_A5。
Fig3.1 Connection 4. Launch Application
- Select Launch and iQIYI A5(f2a9a7f3)
Fig4.1 Launch Note: The QIYU Device must awake during monitoring performance.
Fig 4.2 Profiler Note: The indicator must turn to Green before starting to monitor performance.